(This project is in the development stage)
There are windows of opportunity when a child's brain is highly susceptible to environmental experiences. From the ages of 7-11 years, a child is learning to take initiative and build confidence in their abilities. When children’s ideas, initiatives, and creativity is acknowledged and encouraged, their self—confidence is reinforced and they believe in themselves.
However, when a child is told to conform to be accepted and their initiatives at expressing themselves are rejected, self-doubt and fears develop which blocks them from their full potential. Girls generally have lower self-esteem than boys.
Numerous studies have linked low self-esteem to a wide range of problems, including poor school achievement, criminal and violent behavior, being the victim of bullying, teenage pregnancy, smoking, use of alcohol and other drugs, dropping out of school, depression, and thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts, and suicide.
The Brave Girls Project is aimed at celebrating girls, acknowledging their value and listening to their point of view. We want to reinforce their self- esteem at this critical development stage to lay the foundation for strong women who will be our future leaders and mothers.
Phase 1 : Research & Design
Research and design an art based program to be delivered through schools or community organizations. The goal is to give girls the opportunity and permission to express themselves confidently.
Phase 2: Pilot
After a successful trial, we will pilot the program in a selected girls school.
Research will be conducted on engagement with the program and its impact on self -esteem and agency.
Phase 3: Scale
Once learnings from the pilot has been reviewed and consolidated, the program will be scaled and brought into partner schools and organizations that serve vulnerable girls.
Evaluation follows each project.